
What are the Symptoms of Depression in Men? 

Depression in Men is a mental illness caused by continuous thinking and unhappy mood and is one of the leading causes of disability that has a globally scaled impact. It affects both genders but manifests itself differently in men than women.

Especially regarding men, it presents a challenge to diagnose the condition as males are likely to hide their feelings of stress. Thus, it is important to familiarize oneself with the signs of Depression in Men and the fact that men might need help too. This article seeks to draw out some of the signs of depression that one may be likely to identify in a man. 

1. Variations in feelings and actions 

One symptom of Depression in Men that one can easily identify is a change in mood. In men, this may be expressed as irritation, anger or frustration rather than as sadness. It gives a man the impression of a short temper, a person who gets easily angered when in a real sense they may be suffering from emotional issues. They might also lose interest in social relationships they will seclude themselves they won’t socialize with families and friends. It only serves to increase feelings of loneliness and despair that already are pervasive in those suffering from the disease. 

2. Inability of Interest in Leisure Activities 

Other signs of depression in men are the feeling of no longer getting pleasure out of once enjoyable activities. Males who were once active in doing things they loved such as taking part in sporting activities, watching their favourite movies or spending time with friends and family members may experience depression. These negative feelings are accompanied by others usually associated with depression such as hopelessness and fatigue thus one cannot find interest or pleasure in anything. 

3. Physical Symptoms 

Depression does not only show in feelings but, also in the body. Depressed men note that they suffer from headaches, back pain, and stomach problems, which are not related to any health problem and are ill-defined. Weakness is also felt; a man may be sleep deprived, although, he feels tired and does not have the energy to carry out any activities. Some of these physical signs are usually masked or considered as due to other conditions and thus are not taken seriously until the disease is established. 

5. Changes in Sleep Patterns 

Depression in Men
Depression in Men

Depression frequently affects sleep. Depression in men may manifest in insomnia whereby the male develops difficulty in sleeping or is unable to stay asleep at night. While others may for instance take a nap excessively, probably sleeping as a way of avoiding what they are feeling. However, whether a human is suffering from too much sleep or less sleep than required, changes in the sleeping pattern are a sign which should not be taken lightly. 

6. Difficulty Concentrating 

Other thought processes changed which may manifest in male depression include poor concentration or difficulty in decision-making. This could be manifested in the workplace, for instance, a man could lack the ability to finish chores, remember details or even the abilities to make choices. These problems can cause frustration and may also bring about a feeling of incompetence which only contributes to the depressive process. 

7. Hopelessness or Worthlessness feelings 

Depressed men bear hopelessness in them and it is very difficult for them to persuade themselves that things about them are going to change for the better. It also reaches a point when they feel they are worthless or guilty even if there is no reason for them to. Such thoughts become negative and trigger a cycle that can make it almost impossible for the person to look for help or have faith that he or she shall rise again. 

8. Reckless Behavior 

Some men will go overboard just to avoid feeling any pain normally this will be through taking various dangerous risks. This could include aggressive risky driving, being involved in risky activities or making decisions which are risky leading to health complications, or even accidents. This kind of behaviour can be an emergency call, though the man himself can hardly be aware of that. 

 9. Sexual Dysfunction 

Depression can also affect the sex drive of a man and ruin his intimate relationship with his wife. Areas of concern include low libido or bad performance in bed since it could be an indication that something is amiss. Such changes can lead to frustration or embarrassment may increase the level of conflict between the couples and even lead inability to cope with every situation to increased feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt. 

Seeking Help 

First, it is imperative to fully understand the gist of the problem under discussion stating that depression is a curable illness. Such male depressives should not be afraid to consult a doctor about depression talk to a therapist and/or take antidepressants or both. The taboos around mental illness especially in men should be done away with as this will enable persons with such illness to freely express themselves and seek for help. 


It is for this reason that many people especially men suffer from depression since they have different ways of displaying their problems as compared to women. By such pieces of information, friends, families, and healthcare practitioners can easily notice when a man is under depression through signs like being irritable, having physical complaints, substance abuse, sleeping or eating habits or no longer caring about grooming. These are signs that if diagnosed early and assistance given a big change in that aspect of a person’s life can be welcome.

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